


Riot’s 19% Gain and SEC’s ETF Review Point to Bullish Bitcoin Price Trends

Last updated: February 24, 2024

📈 Is Bitcoin’s trading activity in a tight range? 🤔

In a year marked by Riot Platforms’ remarkable 19% increase in Bitcoin production and the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) review of Bitcoin ETF options by Bitwise and Grayscale, Bitcoin’s trading activity reveals a tightly bound range between $50,500 and $52,500.

This period of consolidation draws significant attention to Bitcoin price predictions, as investors and analysts alike scrutinize the potential implications of these developments. Let’s delve deeper into it.

Riot Platforms’ Bitcoin Production Soars by 19% in 2023

🚀 How much has Riot Platforms increased its Bitcoin production by in 2023? 📈

In 2023, Riot Platforms has marked a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency mining sector by producing 6,626 Bitcoins (BTC), reflecting a 19% increase from the previous year.

This growth is attributed to more favorable market conditions, which enabled Riot to lower its mining expenses to $7,539 per BTC while boosting its revenue to $280.7 million.

📢 What steps did Riot Platforms take to enhance its mining operations? 🛠️

Ahead of the anticipated Bitcoin halving in April, Riot strategically enhanced its mining operations by acquiring 66,560 mining machines from MicroBT, showcasing its commitment to expanding its mining capabilities.

Despite recent fluctuations in Riot’s stock price, indicating market volatility, the company’s increased Bitcoin output signals a bullish trend for the mining industry. This expansion is mirrored by its competitors, Core Scientific and CleanSpark, highlighting a sector-wide growth in production. Moreover, Marathon Digital’s impressive mining of 12,852 Bitcoin in the same period further illustrates the industry’s robust expansion.

Key Highlights:

  • Riot Platforms’ Bitcoin production up by 19% to 6,626 BTC in 2023.
  • Mining expenses reduced to $7,539 per BTC with revenue reaching $280.7 million.
  • Acquisition of 66,560 mining machines from MicroBT ahead of the Bitcoin halving.

🔭 What influence does Riot Platforms’ success story have on Bitcoin’s supply dynamics? 👀

The lawsuit filed by Riot against the U.S. Department of Energy underscores the broader challenges faced by the mining industry, yet Riot’s success story may influence Bitcoin’s supply dynamics and pricing in the future. The industry’s resilience and strategic expansions by companies like Riot Platforms hint at a promising outlook for Bitcoin production and the overall cryptocurrency mining landscape.

SEC Reviews Bitwise and Grayscale Bitcoin ETF Options

📚 What is the current status of SEC’s review of Bitcoin ETF options? 🕵️‍♂️

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently seeking public input on a proposed rule change that would allow options trading on Bitcoin ETFs by Bitwise and Grayscale. This move could open up new strategies for investors in the cryptocurrency market, such as hedging and income generation.

Main Takeaways:

  • The SEC’s call for comments is part of a review of NYSE and BlackRock’s request to list options for Bitwise Bitcoin ETF and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust.
  • Options would operate under standard ETF rules, providing diverse investment strategies.
  • A decision by the SEC is anticipated by September 2024.

The approval would represent a significant step in institutional acceptance of Bitcoin products, offering potential benefits such as enhanced liquidity in the Bitcoin market and greater investment tools for speculating and hedging in the crypto space. Grayscale’s CEO has endorsed the initiative, underscoring the potential advantages for the investor community. While options trading can be risky, previous SEC approvals for commodity ETFs held in trust suggest growing institutional comfort with Bitcoin-related offerings.

Newly Revealed Emails Cast Light on Bitcoin’s Inception

📧 What have recently revealed emails between Martti Malmi and Satoshi Nakamoto disclosed? ✉️

Martti Malmi, an early Bitcoin collaborator, has released correspondence with Bitcoin’s enigmatic creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, providing a rare glimpse into the digital currency’s formative days. These 120 pages of emails not only clarify the developmental milestones but also debunk the notion that Satoshi coined the term “cryptocurrency.”



  • Satoshi 警告说不应强调比特币的匿名性,因为它是具有化名特性的。
  • 这些电子邮件,回应了比特币白皮书的简单性,仍使中本聪的身份成为一个谜。

这些文件在涉及克雷格·怀特 (Craig Wright) 的法律纠纷期间出现,他错误地声称自己是中本聪,这些文件可能重新塑造比特币起源的叙事。虽然这些揭示可能不会直接影响比特币的市场价值,但它们加强了货币开放精神的伦理,这可能影响投资者对加密货币领域的情绪和参与。

🇬🇧 英国法律委员会提议了与加密货币相关的哪一步? 💼



  • 加密货币将被认定为一个独立的财产类别,从而减轻法律争议。
  • 在法律诉讼期间可以咨询行业专家小组进行技术指导。



📉 比特币当前的交易区间是多少? 📊

比特币目前在一个狭窄的范围内交易,2月23日的价格行为表明市场处于巩固状态。该加密货币的交易价格为约 $51,033,略高于其 $51,654 的 50 天简单移动平均线,显示市场立场暂时不明确。


  • 立即阻力水平分别为 $52,875、$54,168 和 $55,596。
  • 支撑水平分别为 $50,686,进一步支撑分别为 $49,308 和 $47,707。
  • 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 为 45.55,反映了市场情绪的中立,没有明显偏向于买入或卖出。

当前的图表模式包括一个对称三角形和一个约为 $50,700 的三重底,共同形成这种中立观点。

比特币 Minetrix 接近资金完成:抓住价格上涨之前的时机

⛏️ 比特币 Minetrix 提供给投资者哪些机会? 💡

基于以太坊的抵押挖矿平台比特币 Minetrix (BTCMTX) 已接近其融资目标。已筹集到 11,346,605.07 美元,离 12,178,088 美元的目标仅一步之遥。

为什么比特币 Minetrix 令投资者为之着迷:

  • 抵押 BTCMTX 代币以挖掘比特币,将抵押收益与比特币挖矿相结合。
  • 为抵押获得挖矿信用,利用比特币的哈希算力。
  • 享受双重收益潜力:比特币挖矿奖励加上 BTCMTX 抵押回报。
  • 旨在吸引个人参与盈利的加密货币挖矿事业。

目前,BTCMTX 代币的价格为 $0.0136,价格即将上涨。投资者通过比特币 Minetrix 门户现在不到一天的时间可以以当前价格锁定代币。随着筹款阶段接近尾声,比特币 Minetrix 准备迎来一个重要的启动,旨在激发挖矿和抵押领域的活力。抓住这个机会加入比特币 Minetrix 浪潮,享受价格上涨之前的时机。


🌐 参考资料:

  1. 文章:确定更好的比特币股票 – 暴动平台还是微策略
  2. 推文:暴动平台比特币产量增加 19%
  3. 推文:BITCOINER_ONLY 强调比特币产量的行业增长
  4. 文章:英国法律委员会关于加密货币分类的草案
  5. 文章:以太坊升级旨在降低 L2 交易成本,瞄准主网部署 [图片来源:Arslan Butt 来源:Miximages.com]


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